One by One Pledge
Making a difference for foster/kinship families.
1. Decide what to pledge.
2. Fill out the pledge form. We will email or mail you a beautiful certificate, free of charge.
3. When you receive your certificate, hang it in a prominent place to remember.
4. Return to to share what you did and see the growth of the movement.
5. Consider inviting 5 people you know to do the same.
– Find an organization that serves foster/kinship children and ask about their volunteer opportunities. Many have opportunities that can be completed from home.
– Do you know a local foster/kinship family? Offer to help with cleaning or tending the children while the caregivers get a break.
– Make/sew items to donate that foster children need. Consider finding or starting a quilting circle to provide free quilts to children going into care.
– Donate to an organization that supports foster/kinship families. Many states offer dollar-for-dollar tax credits for these donations.
– Consider hosting a garage sale where all proceeds go to help a local organization.
– Choose an organization for Amazon Smile Donations. You don’t spend an extra dime, and they get .5% of eligible purchases. All that is required is to choose your charity (Can search by name) and set it up, then turn it on on your mobile app or use in your browser when you place orders. The rest is automatic.
– Many areas have a Foster Clothing Closet where you can donate new or gently used clothing, books, and other items. These closets then give the items to foster families in need. To find a closet near you, go to
– Consider picking up a package of children’s socks next time you’re in a department store to donate to a foster closet. New socks, underwear, and pajamas are always needed.
– Host a clothing/sock/underwear/pajamas drive in your area to donate to a local foster clothing closet.
– Search for and join a Foster Care Donation page on Facebook. You can give away all sorts of items directly to a family that will use them.
– Some organizations have Amazon Wish Lists you can directly order needed items from. Ask your favorite organization if they have one.
– Some organizations can use office/kids’ art supplies that may be sitting in your house unused. Call around and ask what is needed.
Please Note: While One by One Foster & Kinship Solutions is the organization behind this movement, it doesn’t matter who you choose to support. Feel free to find an organization near you…because when foster children are given the chance to be wanted, supported, and loved, we all win!