AZ Department of Health Kinship Youth Council Grant Program

Through a grant from the Arizona Department of Health Services and in partnership with the Arizona Foundation for Human Service Providers, One by One Foster & Kinship Solutions runs a Kinship Youth Council with youth ages 11-19 who create community service learning projects on health care topics that matter to them. Click HERE for more information.  

Vitalyst Spark Discovery Grant

The purpose of this grant is to explore the disparities in services and supports between 3 groups: informal kinship families (have no DCS connection), formal kinship families (familial relationships with DCS involvement), and formal community foster care families. We are exploring the gaps and looking to identify possible solutions to close those gaps.

Baking Boxes

Families get a box filled with all/most of the ingredients and supplies needed to complete three provided recipes together.

In Development: STAR Connections Program

Our “Stability Through Amazing Relationships” Connections Program is our up and coming mentorship program that will identify an adult already cpnnected to the child and train them to be a “One Stable Adult” who is in the child’s court and stays connected with them through activities and events.

Foster Kinship 411

A website with information and resources for foster & kinship families. Currently under construction.